


'History' has been removed as a subject from our secondary education curriculum. It implies that our children will grow up without understanding the various makings of their country and how her constituents evolved. They will be unable to appreciate the various cultures in their country because they have been denied formal access to information about their past. 

History serves us the opportunity to have a sound understanding of our past, understand how our current challenges occurred and gives the framework to invent solutions.

Do you remember the stories of the Kanem Borno Empire, the Oyo Empire, Nupe Kingdom, Oba Ovonramwen, King Jaja of Opobo, Queen Amina of Zaria, the Aba Women's Riot or the Republican Igbo societies? I certainly do! 

Are our secondary school children appreciative of these past kingdoms and history? These are good stories to learn from. Don't you think that a people who do not 'know' their history are bound to repeat some of its mistakes?

How was it then possible for such an important subject to be removed in the secondary education curriculum? Did our society suddenly drop into Earth - no past?

Edu-Info: Re-validation of Private Primary Schools. Wow!

I read an information that gladdened my heart. It is a reformatory process that I have long wished to see begin in Education in Nigeria. Now, how well this will be carried through will leave much to be desired; however I am sure that the words/actions have set a precedence. It was a clear call to all private primary school proprietors in Ogun State Nigeria by the State government to enlist all approved primary schools in the state on a website.  The State intends to officially  lock up all unregistered private primary schools.  The title of the warning read: OGUN STATE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY:  REVALIDATION OF REGISTRATION OF PRIVATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN OGUN STATE. Have you been in any of what I'd term 'corner-shop schools' in many hidden parts of our States in the country? They exist because the public schools are currently in hibernation! There are standard requirements to setting up a school stipulated in our National Policy on Education. I am hoping that this is a work-in-progress. It is always rather worrisome even devastating to see 'short-cuts' allowed to thrive in our school system.